Bravo on all that you’re doing, Julia! This is such a great cause. I’ve been baking a lot of muffins lately to give to family and friends. I also handed some out at a Y where we were helping with relief for families who had lost their homes in the recent LA fires. Today I’m making a batch of blueberry muffins for a friend in her 80s who had eye surgery and can’t pursue her great passions for tennis and photography for six weeks while she recovers. I’m not sure if that counts. I’m going to look into where else I might donate some muffins. Thanks again for the inspiration!
Bravo on all that you’re doing, Julia! This is such a great cause. I’ve been baking a lot of muffins lately to give to family and friends. I also handed some out at a Y where we were helping with relief for families who had lost their homes in the recent LA fires. Today I’m making a batch of blueberry muffins for a friend in her 80s who had eye surgery and can’t pursue her great passions for tennis and photography for six weeks while she recovers. I’m not sure if that counts. I’m going to look into where else I might donate some muffins. Thanks again for the inspiration!